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Welcome to the new Coldridge Village Hall website!

On behalf of the Coldridge Village Hall Committee I am pleased to announce the launch of our new Village Hall Website – .

This website is intended provide a ‘shop window’ for all things relating to Coldridge Village Hall, with information about the hall, the groups who use it, its facilities, Village Hall events and the services available to Coldridge residents.

The Coldridge Village Hall website is intended to run alongside the monthly Coldridge Calendar, our “What’s on in Coldridge Devon” Facebook community page and the Coldridge Parish Website.

The website is newly constructed and as such, like housetraining a new puppy, there may be a few initial upsets or desirable improvements that could be made. So, if you have a moment in the coming days please grab a ‘hot beverage’, click-on the new Village Hall link and have a look around the site. If there’s something you’re not sure about, or if you would like to share any observations or suggestions for improvements please drop me a line at

My thanks to the Village Hall Committee Officers, our Village Hall User Group representatives and other content providers for their support and assistance in getting us here today.

Ivan Kriznik

On behalf of the Coldridge Village Hall Committee