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Coldridge Women’s Institute

Covering the parishes of Coldridge & Nymet Rowland

Coldridge WI is about fun and friendship. We provide educational opportunities, a network of like-minded supportive women, a lifeline within the community, and strength and support through the hardest of times.

We are a small friendly group who enjoy a fun evening working within the WI values. We have a variety of guest speakers on various topics, try our hand at different craft projects, and arrange outings and visits.

The Coldridge Women’s Institute meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm either in Coldridge or Nymet Rowland village hall.

Coldridge WI can be anything its members want it to be, so no matter what age you are why not give it a go, you will not be disappointed.

Look out for details of forthcoming events in The Coldridge Calendar and in the pages of both the Parish and Village Hall Websites. 

For further information please contact Lyn Green, Secretary, Coldridge WI at