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Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show 2024

About the Day…

Open Meeting for the 2024 Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally

I am pleased to announce that the 2024 Coldridge Fete Committee will be hosting an Open Meeting for residents of the Parish on Wednesday 15th May, 7.30pm in the Village Hall to update you on progress for our 2024 fete preparations and announce some of the exciting attractions lined up for 29th June 2024 – that’s a mere 45 days time from this meeting!!

It’s an ideal opportunity (especially if you are new to the area) to meet the team and get a latest heads-up on what’s planned & what to expect on the day. It’s also a chance for you to share your thoughts and ideas, and (if not already) explore if and how you might be able to play a part either before and on the day.

I look forward to meeting you all on the 15th May.

Ivan Kriznik – Chairman 2024 Coldridge Fete & Village Rally, 19th April 2023

Save The Date!

Thank-you to all who joined us for our Fete Open Meeting on 15th March – your contributions and support is always appreciated.

As a result of that meeting, I am pleased to announce that our next Coldridge Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show will be held on Saturday 29th June 2024. It was also agreed that proceeds from the 2024 Fete will be shared between Coldridge Village Hall & St Matthew’s Church Fabric Fund.

Preparations are now getting underway, and we plan to hold a further Open Meeting to review progress later in November. In the meantime any further fete related news or requests will be shared with the community through the Coldridge Calendar and via parish social media outlets, with more on that next Open Meeting nearer the time.

Thanks once again, and in anticipation of a calm, dry, sunny day on Saturday 29th June 2024!

Ivan Kriznik – Chairman, 2024 Coldridge Fete